Project Description

Project Name: Aktobe District Heating Project – Project Implementation Support, Design Engineering Services and Contract Supervisions
Country: Kazakhstan
Period: 06/2016 - 02/2022
Client: EBRD, Transenergo JSC
Provided services description:
The overall budget of this project is 18,3 million Euro. Investments are provided for the following components:
› Replacement of the existing boiler stations with the new ones, including installation of new boiler equipment (construction of 5 new boiler stations to replace the existing ones, including installation of modern boiler equipment and full automation. Rated boiler station power varies from 1 to 5.5 MW, Reconstruction of Kargalinskoye boiler station with decommissioning of steam boilers and turning the boiler station into a heating station while maintaining the heating load in the assigned area, building a cross connection 700 m long and 325 mm in diameter, Reconstruction of Kazandyk boiler station, Modernization of Batys-2 boiler station)
› Rehabilitation of district heating networks
› Development of hydraulic model of Aktobe district heating system
Services include:
› Review and make recommendations to the Project Procurement Plan, including updating of initial cost estimates and setting priorities between the Project components.
› Review the existing designs and/or prepare missing designs for the heat production facilities and the heat transmission/distribution networks rehabilitation in accordance with Kazakh construction norms and requirements for procurement of Works.
› Assist the Company in developing tender documents (including, but not limited to, design, requirements and technical specifications, EHSS requirements for contractors), carrying out tender procedure, preparing evaluation report and contract, and submit the necessary documents to the Company and EBRD for their concurrence and “no-objection”.
› Provide overall project management support to the Company to co-ordinate, manage, monitor and evaluate all aspects of the Project.
› Ensure that the Company will arrange payments to the contractor, to whom payment has been certified, to ensure that all such payments are made in due time, and that appropriate control and record systems are in place to ensure compliance with financiers and the country reporting requirements.
› Provide support for the supervision of works and administration of contracts.
› Support the arrangement of timely disbursements under the contracts.

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We provide consulting services for Russian and international customers: private, state and non-state


Our customers and clients are international financial organizations, as well as industrial and municipal enterprises


Our offices are located in four countries. The head office is located in the very center of Moscow.

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